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AWA Magazine

Celebrate stories. Create community.

April - May 2024 issue

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Editor's Note

Here in Singapore we may live on the equator where the four seasons are non-existent but mentally, for me at least, the months of April and May still herald the spirit of spring and new beginnings. This issue is therefore dedicated to two cultural observances that honor thetwo key relationships that connect us to life: International Mother Earth Day (April 22, 2024), which brings awareness to protect our vital relationship with our planet, and Mother’s Day (May 12, 2024), which celebrates all mothering bonds where we receive nurture and connection.   


In honor of the former, I share about my family’s recent vacation to Jeju island in South Korea and how it re-inspired a connection to the meaning of Mother Earth for me. 

Mothers and daughters then get special attention from our writers. Andrea McKenna Brankin reflects on the importance of inculcating her passion for rugby in her teenage daughter without being a “Tiger Mom.” Helena Cochrane, who recently returned to Philadelphia, shares about how the uncertainties of starting her new chapter helped her connect with her adult daughter in a new way. Keri Matwick shares about how Joanna Wang, who only started running during the pandemic, continued running during and after her pregnancy. Joanna thereby hopes to inspire a love of running in her young daughter. Mandakini Arora then reviews the powerfully emotional Korean novel by Kim Hye-Jin, Concerning My Daughter, about navigating complex mother-daughter expectations and the struggle for acceptance and love. 


Dulce Zamora then offers us a glimpse into how nurturing bonds that make a lasting impact are not just found in the family. For her, it was a wise and kind teacher in elementary school who was instrumental in the cultivation of self-confidence in her young self. 

Last but not least, do check out our interview with Julie who started AWA’s new and up-and-coming Pickleball group, and Stephanie Kolentsis’s short-and-sweet curation of Singapore’s amazing arts and culture events over the next 2 months.


Suellen Lee, Editor-in-Chief

P.S. If you like what you’re reading, do know that we are now a special interest group within AWA where we strive to be a creative magazine platform for members to express their creativity. Don’t be shy to reach out if interested in joining us!

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Calling Storytellers!

The AWA Magazine Team is a Special Interest group that strives to be a creative platform for AWA members to nurture and express their craft as storytellers, empower them to share their authentic voices as women who happen to live (or have lived) in Singapore, and forge meaningful connections along the way.


If this sounds a little or a lot like you, we invite you to get in touch with us at We'd love to meet up over a cup of coffee (or a Zoom call) and discuss your interest in being part of the magazine team!

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Meet Our Team

The AWA Magazine is composed of a group of volunteer women who love to share stories, adventures and all things related to living in Singapore and Southeast Asia, while having fun along the way. 

Click on the pictures to learn a bit more about us!

“We are all storytellers. We all live in a network of stories. There isn’t a stronger connection between people than storytelling.”

Jimmy Neil Smith
International Storytelling Center
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