Featured Organizations
AWA periodically calls for volunteers for several of our Featured Organizations below. Look for announcements on our events calendar or our Facebook Page. We also hold our own AWA initiated Beach and Park Clean-ups as well as ad hoc events. We hope you will sign up for those as well.
Do you have a charity in mind that you think AWA should support ad-hoc? Email commservice@awasingapore.org to discuss.
Food from the Heart
FFTH is a non-profit voluntary food distribution program established in February 2003 after Singapore-based Austrian couple Henry and Christine Laimer read a report in "The Sunday Times" about bakeries discarding their unsold bread. Stirred, they then decided to channel surplus food from bakeries to those in need.
AWA volunteers at FFTH will work at the FFTH warehouse packing grocery kits for families in need. For more information please email ffth@awasingapore.org.
The Ronald McDonald House Charities
RMHC provides support and facilities to families who are caring for a sick child. Volunteers man the reception desk at the Ronald McDonald Family Rooms (at NUH), where families go for comfort and regrouping.
AWA volunteers work shifts are 9:00am-1:00pm, 1:00pm-5:00pm, or 5:00pm-9:00pm. Minimum commitment is 2x a month. RMHC will conduct a brief training prior to your first shift. For more information, please email rmhc@awasingapore.org
kidsREAD is a nationwide reading program launched in 2004 by then Deputy Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong. The mission of kidsREAD is to promote the love of reading and cultivate good reading habits among young Singaporeans, specifically children from low-income families. The target audience of kidsREAD is children between the ages of 4 and 8, regardless of race or religion.
KidsREAD will restart in 2024 with an initial information session, following which volunteers will undergoing an official training session with the National Library Board. Please email kidsread@awasingapore.org for more information.